General / 19 May 2024

Environment studies from my neighborhood

I recently moved to a neighborhood with a lot of nature around, which made me feel like I wanted to start portraying the things I saw on my daily walks. Here are some studies I did in the last few days:

It was raining that day, puddles formed next to the lake and the contrast of the red flowers with the white and gray tones of the day caught my attention.

These two are from the same day. It was such a beautiful sunny day and the colors made me feel like I was in a Ghibli movie

Have you ever noticed how there is sometimes an orange aura around the moon on cloudy nights? Cameras can hardly capture this but I wanted to somehow portray it

Another cloudy day. There is a very specific charm to lakes on cloudy days.

And that curve where it's always windy with the yellow flowers and the graffiti walls